Washington Wizards are #Winning


Last night marked the first time that the whole BEZDC team could get together and watch our hometown Washington Wizards at Verizon Center this season. And it was a transcendent experience to say the least!

Granted, it was against the lowly Detroit P̶l̶a̶y̶e̶r̶s̶ Pistons, but a win’s a win amiright? The game was capped off by the elevated and awesome play of John Wall who made tough lay-ups, floaters, pull-up jumpers, and one “OMG HOW DIDN’T HE GET THE AND-1?” play that J-Wall gets every game! Not to sell the rest of the team short, but we were definitely doing the John Wall all game long!

Where the F is Matt Lauer at?!?!?

But seriously, aside from the heroics of the coolest cat to drive a Range Rover walking distance to his job, it was a team effort. Whether it was Mr. Ex-Kardashian, government name Kris Humphries, grabbing clutch rebounds or Rasual Butler a.k.a. the pride & joy of South Philly, hitting clutch shots down the stretch, everybody got involved. More on that, how eerie was it that there was a guy on the Wizards last night named Butler? Especially since washed-up Caron Butler a.k.a. Tuff Juice was on the floor at the same damn time? What is this? A Bizarro Wizards world where we have to be reminded of the end to the last truly promising squad pre-#WizKids era (ICYMI that was 2007 when the Wiz lost Gilbert Arenas & Caron to season-ending injuries in the same week and also two weeks before the playoffs started)? I think not. Cause last night, we had the right Butler on the team! We still love you, Caron!

Now I don’t want to sell the Pistons short. Brandon Jennings looked like God Shammgod against a pitiful scrub at the Rucker during the 1st quarter by dropping a quick 16 points. But, the Wiz rallied down the stretch of the 2nd quarter and cut a 10-point Pistons lead down to 2 at the half. In the second half, “both teams played hard, my man”, but the Wiz simply made more plays down the stretch!

And so, recap out of the way, let’s talk about what should be the next sports movement in DC! #dcRising is real! And you should get behind ’em before it’s too late to hop on that bandwagon. We love our #Natitude. We follow the #Caps as closely as 3 kids who had no experience with ice hockey growing up could. And eventually the namesake debacle & continued mediocrity (Pssshhh more like outright bad!) of the Washington Professional Football Team will resolve itself via thou who shall not be named self-immolating. BUT RIGHT NOW YOU SHOULD FW THE WASHINGTON WIZARDS!

For all fellow readers, please stay tuned for more blurbs & Homerisms about this squad during the rest of the season.

In the meantime, we leave you with this:

Washington Wizards are #Winning

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